Right now, make a decision to do something that cause you to utilize tone of your richest and most empowering emotions.
I had to make a decision to do what was best for me and my family - and although it has been hard I have not regretted it.
If so, how and from whom do they know enough to let them make a buying decision?
If you don't then just trial it and test it out on a small scale, visit other successful implementations, get a second opinion and do whatever it takes to make a committed decision.
It's a decision I have to make again every day, do I want to keep transforming-or not?
A: Well, Ted, this is a very impressive resume. However, we do have several other applicants to finish interviewing before we can make a final decision.
Do you really need to make a decision?
Now you are left with a no-win decision: do you make the attribute understand your application's architectural tiers and call through to the service layer to do the validation?
This's a very impressive resume. However, we do have several other applicants to finish interviewing before we can make a final decision.
Anyone can make the decision to do without the necessary, to cut off cable TV, to consider doing without a car, to only buy what's absolutely necessary and to rethink what's necessary.
Anyone can make the decision to do without the unnecessary, to cut off cable TV, to consider doing without a car, to only buy what's absolutely necessary and to rethink what's necessary.
Telling your boss it's a really bad time for you and you want to do it next year is reasonable - as long as you make your decision, present it clearly and stop whining about life not being fair.
Summary: Felicity must make a decision on what to do during the summer: go to Germany with Noel or take a road trip with Ben.
It's most important to do your research and make a decision that is right for you.
If you have an ear infection, the doctor will make a decision about what to do next.
“Taking yourself out of the situation can help you come to a place where you can let go of your negative emotions and make a clear-headed decision about what to do,” says Dr.Beck.
Make note of it and make a conscious decision about what to do with the information you are given.
When you wake up, think about one specific action or nice thing you can do for yourself that day... then make a solid decision to do it.
Make a decision on what you'll do if a backup ever fails to complete.
The key is to train yourself to make an on-the-spot decision about what you need to do with an email message — and put it in a place where you know you'll get to it on time.
Now that you have investigated the various approaches available for performing the task you want to accomplish in your script, it's time to make a decision. Which method do you want to use.
Swedish Foreign Ministry spokesman Teo Zetterman said the ministry has to 'look at the information to see what it contains in order to make a decision on what we can do'.
It does make sense to make a decision in your own mind about what grieving you need to do, as your life cannot meander in sorrow forever.
When my friend and I make a united decision to do something, it has powerful results.
They make a conscious decision to attend, and set aside valuable time to do so.
Stop making excuses. Just stop. No one wants to hear why you couldn't do something, so make a conscious decision to stop talking about it.
This is like a double dare and it's definitely not permission. She wants you to make the right decision, so rethink what you are about to do!
I think you should do that soon. It will help you make a decision about the school you go to.
Even if is the supreme power, if lack of rational, will make a stupid decision, but I do not know to be ashamed of.
Even if is the supreme power, if lack of rational, will make a stupid decision, but I do not know to be ashamed of.