I'm going to make a special meal.
His mother is going to make a special meal for him.
If you have an old bottle like those old Lafites, make a special meal, open the bottles and celebrate the memories.
Tradition: In France, a meal is like a ceremony. People relish it and make it's a special occasion.
Tradition: : in France, a meal is like a ceremony. People relish it and make it's a special occasion.
文化传统:在法国,用餐就像是一种仪式。人们享受这一过程,并将其看作是一种特殊场合。 。
Make a point of going out for a candlelit meal, or doing something special. You both deserve it.
I would like you to bring me the fruit of the Peyote . I will prepare you a meal from that fruit, this meal will make you have a very special dream.
I would like you to bring me the fruit of the Peyote . I will prepare you a meal from that fruit, this meal will make you have a very special dream.