The more insight we have into the way autism affects sensory processing, the more people with autism, their families and professionals can develop strategies to make daily life easier.
This will make the life of disabled people much easier. Those who can’t move will be able to write email letters and even IM people around the world.
Think of all those people who make your life easier and more convenient - every single day.
As well as enhancing the lives of disabled people, Dr Herr's work on exoskeletons-the precursors of his planned mobility platforms-could make life easier for able-bodied people, too.
The people of this village had skills the group had no knowledge of, and they created many useful items to make life easier and more comfortable.
Medicine that will make people easier long-term insomnia irritable, mood swings, and then to the life and interpersonal bring great harm.
What needs to be done to make life easier for people with disabilities?
Inaction Leads to a Boring Life - Some people choose not to make decisions because they think it is easier.
Topic1 : Etiquette is not always used to make life easier for people?
While most people use little white lies to make life easier, the majority of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life.
What needs to be done to make life easier for people with disabilities?
What scholars and researchers do is supposed to help human being make their life easier, which are most people thinking about.
What scholars and researchers do is supposed to help human being make their life easier, which are most people thinking about.