He's cooking up a way to make some extra money.
Maybe you can even make some extra money by selling your CDs.
She was a good seamstress and would copy all the styles from the women’s magazines and sell the clothes to make some extra money.
Garage sales have always been very popular. They are wonderful since you can get rid of things you no longer need or want plus make some extra money.
If you do make some extra money, put it aside, for the period when Mars is in Taurus, from June 1 to July 11, will mark a time when you'll be spending more money than usual.
Maybe you can even make some extra money by selling your CDs. There are some serious collectors (who'll probably never get the idea of decluttering) who can pay you to get ahold of your stack.
Repair cars. Offer to perform simple car repairs for friends and family. It's a win-win situation: you make some extra cash, and they save money. (Just be sure not to get in over your head.)
"Some people are only there to make extra money to spend on holiday gifts, and they will apply only to places where they want to shop, so they qualify for those great employee discounts," Boyer says.
It's a win-win situation: you make some extra cash, and they save money. (Just be sure not to get in over your head.)
I'm looking to make a little extra money and was thinking about buying some vending machines.
Bill has a good job, and he always works overtime to make as much as he can. But we can always use some extra money.
Bill has a good job, and he always works overtime to make as much as he can. But we can always use some extra money.