An example may make the point clear.
An illustration may make the point clear.
The statistics are a clear illustration of the point I am trying to make.
If your purpose is to solicit information or action from another person via email, you must make that clear to them at the earliest possible point in the message.
I'd only make one point in the toddlers' favor: they had learned to play a game where both they and the experimenter had clear roles. The child helped out, and the experimenter gave him a prize.
Perhaps eager to make clear that A.D.H.D. is far more than a metaphor for the distractions of modern life, scientists love to point out examples that date to well before the term was invented.
Such campaigns seem to prompt them to have a clear-out but they often do not make it to the collection point.
It is clear they are straight because they make a point of stating it in the comments.
Perhaps eager to make clear that A. d. H. d. is far more than a metaphor for the distractions of modern life, scientists love to point out examples that date to well before the term was invented.
We have many people evacuated to other states and throughout our state and we are working to clear the roads and make it safe for them, but at this point it is not.
The cables make it clear that the South Koreans believe that internal tensions in the North have reached a boiling point.
Such a problem can also provide solutions; at the very least, energy researchers looking to make improvements on net carbon dioxide emissions have a clear picture of their point of attack.
Some were a little scary and others were downright hilarious, but one point became clear: If you're not careful, Google will know every move you make on the web... the good, the bad, and the ugly.
At the very least, energy researchers looking to make improvements on net carbon dioxide emissions have a clear picture of their point of attack.
If your purpose is to information or action from another person via email, you must make that clear to them at the earliest possible point in the message.
As the point of this article is to show how readable and clear LINQ can make your code.
Try to make your speech clear, concise and to the point.
This point was not made very clear in the past, and it is best to make is clear at this time .
The key to bettering the dance teaching is to protrude the key point and make clear the relation between the basic training, national folk dance teaching and children dance teaching.
The key point of founding tourism aesthetics, which should possess both theory depth and guide significance, is to make clear its nature, object, task and method.
To construct the system, the key point is to make clear of the actual language situation, facing contradiction and developing trends.
Sometimes yellers calm down when it's clear you've understood the point they're trying to make, Cohen says.
It can not only strengthen the seeing of the advertisement but also will make the demand focal point of the advertisement more clear.
The standard of retrial establishment is mainly to make clear the errors in procedure and entity, to point out the errors in evidence recognition and the judgment right of a judge.
I would like to make one point clear before I move on to the next point.
Field Friends would make this point clear to the farmers in the next couple of weeks and ensure that no unauthorised tobacco was grown anywhere, he added.
Objective: to understand the sanitary condition of public objects at public places in Tieling city, and make clear the key point of supervision and monitoring work.
I would like to make one point clear before Imove on to the next point.
With the research of the key point of test, make a clear control logic, we reached the design target.
Making clear the scope and boundary of the protection becomes a starting point to make the protection process no longer difficult.