May I make up the difference for you, Ms.
I will make up the difference by adding protein.
Before, I used credit CARDS to make up the difference.
Sometimes it is necessary to make up the difference in other ways.
A big victory on Oscar night is supposed to help make up the difference.
To make up the difference, Grassia buys one gallon of milk a week instead of three.
And like car dealers, we force you to borrow money to help make up the difference.
It is not as though publishers can make up the difference by taking their wares online.
To make up the difference, the deficit, he does what most Americans do: he borrows money.
They might just choose to ask their employees to work overtime to make up the difference.
I now tithe as much as I can financially, then I make up the difference in some other category.
Many consumers spend more than they earn, borrowing or dipping into savings to make up the difference.
In other words, if somebody buys a house and doesn't pay back the mortgage, taxpayers have to make up the difference.
We've been able to make up the difference in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living.
According to agents, most marquee signings will simply demand that clubs make up the difference so that the players receive the same net wage.
There was once a snail who was sick and tired of his reputation for being so slow. He decided to get some fast wheels to make up the difference.
Proponents insist that the reduction of farm equipment needed for harvest and transport would make up the difference by cutting back on fossil fuels.
Customers who buy highly efficient cooling systems rather than the minimum-standard kind can, for example, get a rebate to make up the difference in price.
The current fiscal situation doesn't even force us to choose to make any difficult decisions now-so long as we're willing to borrow money to make up the difference.
To make up the difference, Mr Obama will create a deficit commission by executive order, charged with making recommendations for long-run budget sustainability.
In other cases, where clubs refuse to make up the difference, players are increasingly likely to opt for Spain or elsewhere in order to relieve their tax burden.
You would be hard-pressed to make up the difference by savings on gasoline purchases. But you would be making a contribution to the battle against climate change.
Initial costs are still higher for such fixtures than for traditional bulbs, but lower electricity bills could make up the difference within a year or two, says Dr Hunter.
The counterfeiters simply falsify the delivery papers by adding an extra zero to the quantity supplied, then they make up the difference by adding their own boxes to the order.
In particular, if instead of increasing, the output of Anshan Iron and Steel Company falls short by two or three thousand tons a day, others will be unable to make up the difference.
The company planned on Monday to announce fare Guard, a service that guarantees that an airfare listed on the site will remain valid for a week, or Farecast will make up the difference.
We put ourselves into financial hock to make up the difference, telling ourselves we will catch up the next time we receive a raise, or we will just work overtime to cover the difference.
We put ourselves into financial hock to make up the difference, telling ourselves we will catch up the next time we receive a raise, or we will just work overtime to cover the difference.