The shepherd started walking towards the malthouse, and Boldwood followed him, holding the letter.
The farm manager had advised Gabriel to go straight to the malthouse in Weatherbury, to ask for somewhere to stay.
'By the way, Oak,' said Mr Boldwood quietly, as he and the shepherd left the malthouse together, 'could you tell me whose writing this is?'
The remaining men were just preparing to leave when suddenly a young man called Laban Tall rushed into the malthouse, almost too excited to speak.
正当其他人准备离去时,一个名叫拉班·托尔的年轻人冲进酒店。 他激动得有点说不出话来。
The remaining men were just preparing to leave when suddenly a young man called Laban Tall rushed into the malthouse, almost too excited to speak.
正当其他人准备离去时,一个名叫拉班·托尔的年轻人冲进酒店。 他激动得有点说不出话来。