This was a second primary goal of the Managed Extensions design.
In moving your code from Managed Extensions to the new syntax, you might miss performing this transformation.
To define an event using the Managed Extensions, you use the __event keyword. For example, the Button class in Windows: : Forms has a Click event.
A primary goal of the Managed Extensions design was to not introduce incompatibilities with the standard language, such as new keywords and tokens.
The necessary behavioral characteristics are that it exhibit object semantics when operators are applied to it, something Managed Extensions was unable to support.
At the same time, it allows users of the new functionality to have a first-class experience of the additional language feature - something that wasn't possible with Managed Extensions.
Before users can load a document with managed code extensions, the administrator must explicitly grant full trust to an assembly or location.
The cloud task pattern extends the managed task pattern with the Proxy and StateManager extensions.
Finally, we would like to note that the JEE Connector Architecture (JCA) is one of the options to implement the extensions to managed resource and managed task patterns.
最后,我们想要指出的是,JEEConnectorArchitecture (JCA)是一种实现托管资源和托管任务模式扩展的方法之一。
The managed resource pattern employs the following extensions to create the cloud resource pattern (see Figure 4).
There are several ways to open a document or workbook that contains managed code extensions without running the assembly code.
You can change the default so that your managed code extensions can access the object model, and your solution will work.
Management Extensions is described. JMX focuses on the management of distributed system. The managed objects are the key elements of JMX.
In Firefox 1.0, extensions were extensions, themes were themes, and you managed them separately.
In Firefox 1.0, extensions were extensions, themes were themes, and you managed them separately.