In contrast to the external orientation of ACCTG311, this course focuses on how to prepare and use accounting information for management decision making.
Lender's using of accounting information is not only a theoretical issue about the accounting information usefulness for decision making but also a practical problem in bank credit risk management.
To provide the information support for adapting organization strategy and management decision-making, the research of organization adaptability in management accounting system can not be avoided.
The student examines advanced topics in management accounting as these relate to management information needs for planning, control, and decision making.
Accounting must adapt to the new circumstances for the need of economy management and the decision-making during this information time.
This paper discusses the problems of decision-making theory in management accounting and constitutes a new systetn framework for the new decision-making theory.
This course examines management accounting and related analytical methodologies for decision making and control in profit-directed organizations.
This course examines management accounting and related analytical methodologies for decision making and control in profit-directed organizations.