At this point, you have a fully functional map pulling data in from multiple sources, including default functionality to pan with the mouse and zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.
By default, OpenLayers provides mouse wheel-based zoom in and out and mouse-based panning. You can also add on-map controls - for example.
Now that the map is functional, you can zoom the map to your area of interest, rather than leaving it zoomed out to the entire United States.
If you zoom out a bit, you've got yourself a good driving map of the broader area surrounding 3350 Peachtree Rd. in Atlanta.
The system offers map operation function, for example: zoom in, zoom out, navigation map.
When you zoom out on the map, resource-gathering locations will be marked with their corresponding ICONS.
You can zoom out via right-clicking or by pressing the zoom button. You can zoom back in by selecting the area of the map you wish to visit and left-clicking.
Currently the map is centered over Palo Alto, Calif. at zoom level 13. level 0 is zoomed all the way out.
You can zoom in or out or scroll the map to position the track most effectively.
You can zoom in or out or scroll the map to position the track most effectively.