In Britain Margaret Thatcher slashed the top marginal income tax rate from 83% to 40% between 1979 and 1988.
QUESTION FROM SEAN DOYLE: What would be the highest federal marginal income tax rate that you would deem acceptable?
His first tax bill was enacted in August 1981. It included a sweeping cut in marginal income tax rates, reducing the top rate to 50% from 70% and the lowest rate to 11% from 14%.
And it comes on top of the explicit marginal tax rate the family already faces from income and payroll taxes.
One thing on which there does seem to be a consensus is that America's marginal rate of corporate income tax-at 35%, one of the world's highest-must come down.
This theory also holds that the optimal marginal tax rate for highest income consumers should be zero.
Studies generally show that a 1% increase in the marginal tax rate reduced taxable income by 0.1-0.4%, though sometimes and in some places it may be higher.
总体而言,研究显示边际税率每提高1%,应税收入就降低0.1 - 0.4%,在某些时间或地区这一数值也许更高。
Optimal income taxation is primarily aimed at balancing fairness and efficiency, and ascertaining the level of optimal marginal tax rate under a given equity preference condition.
Optimal income taxation is primarily aimed at balancing fairness and efficiency, and ascertaining the level of optimal marginal tax rate under a given equity preference condition.