High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours.
Falls in marginal tax rates in America since the 1970s have made it all the more profitable to work longer.
What is the company's marginal tax rate?
You can find the marginal tax brackets here.
In many states, the top marginal tax rate would exceed 50 percent.
The nine with the highest marginal tax rates saw outflows averaging 2.2%.
That implicit marginal tax rate of 23 percent is a significant disincentive.
Adding on the full 12.4% would effectively take top marginal tax rates above 50%.
You pay on all that money during retirement when your marginal tax rate is less.
At a marginal tax rate of 50 percent, the break point is much lower; just 1. And so on.
At one point during the mid - '70s, the top marginal tax rate was an unbelievable 102 percent.
But there is no simple fix. Higher marginal tax rates are an integral part of the Obama health plan.
This theory also holds that the optimal marginal tax rate for highest income consumers should be zero.
And it comes on top of the explicit marginal tax rate the family already faces from income and payroll taxes.
The phaseout of the EITC after earnings exceed a certain threshold imposes a high implicit marginal tax rate on earnings.
When I left India, the marginal tax rate was 97.5%, corporate taxation was punitive, and business was stifled or went underground.
Such a complex and trivial rate structure with a high marginal tax rate of 45% is likely to bring about the unfairness of tax burden.
Anyway, even the iconic tech startup won't be cutting jobs because its founder faces a slightly higher top marginal tax rate on his profits.
But the proposed new regime looks likely to create a regulatory dog's breakfast, with effective marginal tax rates potentially rising to over 100%.
But substantial evidence supports the more modest proposition that high marginal tax rates discourage people from working to their full potential.
However, when the excess burden of distorting the leisure-income trade-off is included, marginal tax rates of far less than 100 percent are optimal.
The resulting marginal tax rate reflects unique events resulting from a change in German Corporation Tax Law and the tax burden of the previous years.
The marginal tax rate increases to 81 percent at FOB prices at Argentina ports above US$500 per tonne and 95 percent at FOB prices above US$600 per tonne.
Studies generally show that a 1% increase in the marginal tax rate reduced taxable income by 0.1-0.4%, though sometimes and in some places it may be higher.
总体而言,研究显示边际税率每提高1%,应税收入就降低0.1 - 0.4%,在某些时间或地区这一数值也许更高。
This debate is particularly fiery in Britain, always fearful for its London financial centre, and a 50% top marginal tax rate which came into effect in 2010.
Indeed, the third argument for raising more money from the rich isthat it can be done not by increasing marginal tax rates, but by making the taxcode more efficient.
Indeed, the third argument for raising more money from the rich is that it can be done not by increasing marginal tax rates, but by making the tax code more efficient.
Reagan based his economic program on the theory of supply-side economics, which mandated reducing marginal tax rates to encourage people to work harder and longer.
Across-the-board cuts in marginal tax rates (10 percent a year for three years) and business tax reductions were on the drawing boards, as were plans to reduce regulations.
Across-the-board cuts in marginal tax rates (10 percent a year for three years) and business tax reductions were on the drawing boards, as were plans to reduce regulations.