They replaced other minute organisms as a food source in the major marine food chain.
The company manufactures a massive range of both freshwater and marine food products.
Plankton is at the bottom of the Marine food chain.
Like humans, they stand at the top of the Marine food chain.
The Marine invertebrates are important links in the Marine food chain.
How different will Marine food webs be at mid-century? In the next 100 years?
海洋食物网在半世纪会变成怎样? 100年内呢?
Its disappearance would therefore have a major impact on the entire Marine food chain.
They include disruption to the Marine food web and effects on the world's carbon cycle.
That can mean as much as 112 times more plastic than plankton, the first link in the marine food chain.
Any of various tropical marine food fishes of the family Carangidae, which includes the jacks and pompanos.
Because plankton are the base of the Marine food chain, the South Atlantic Ocean supports a rich Marine ecosystem.
Here the pollutants enter Marine food chains, building up their concentrations until they reach toxic levels.
As species wither, the Marine food chain could be disrupted; human action is needed to curtail further acidification.
Any of various marine food fishes related to or resembling the cod, especially Molva molva of northern European waters.
The single-celled photosynthetic organisms produce much of the oxygen on earth and are the base of the marine food chain.
Any of various Marine food fishes of the family Hexagrammidae, which frequent rocky coastal areas of the northern Pacific.
These shifts in species composition may be benign, or they may result in a cascade of negative consequences throughout the Marine food web.
Since corals provide habitat and food sources for many other denizens of the deep, this could have a profound effect on the Marine food web.
He played in TV shows and movies like High School Musical, CSI, Marine Food of Love are all fairly well-known films and television shows.
Any of various deep-bodied marine food fishes of the family Sparidae, especially a common species Pagrus pagrus of Mediterranean and Atlantic waters.
Researchers find trouble among phytoplankton, the base of the food chain, which has implications for the Marine food web and the world's carbon cycle.
On a global scale, hypoxia has lead to major changes in the structure and function of Marine communities and trophic relationship of Marine food chains.
Stable isotopic characteristics of fatty acid and amino acid can reveal trophic structures, matter and energy flow processes of Marine food webs in detail.
Any of various marine food fishes of the family Sparidae or Bramidae, especially a sparid fish (Archosargus rhomboidalis) of western Atlantic coastal waters.
一种属于鲷科或鲂科的可食海生鱼,尤指鲷鱼(菱羊鲷) ,生长于西大西洋海岸水域。
Dissolved CO2 turns the oceans increasingly acidic, destroying remaining coral reefs and wiping out many species of plankton which are the basis of the Marine food chain.
A reddish-blue percoid marine food fish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) of deep Atlantic waters, having a fleshy flap on the nape and small yellow spots on the upper sides and fins.
一种生活在大西洋深海里的红蓝色鲈亚目食生鱼(瓦片鱼) ,颈背有一个肉质的垂下物,身体上部和鳍上有黄色的小斑点。
Plastic bags cause the deaths of 100,000 marine animals each year because the animals mistake them for food. So if you must use them, always recycle them.
Plastic bags cause the deaths of 100, 000 Marine animals each year when the animals mistake them for food, so if you must use them, always recycle them in the bin at your supermarket.
Plastic bags cause the deaths of 100, 000 Marine animals each year when the animals mistake them for food, so if you must use them, always recycle them in the bin at your supermarket.