Regarding territorial issues and maritime delimitation disputes, China does not accept any means of third party dispute settlement or any solution imposed on China.
The South China Sea disputes between China and the Philippines are over territorial and maritime delimitation.
In addition to negotiation, the legal method was also usually used to settle the disputes of maritime delimitation.
There might be some questions and risks if the legal method is adopted to settle the disputes of maritime delimitation, however, some measures can be taken to mitigate such risks.
There are complicated disputes regarding the maritime delimitation among China and the neighboring countries in the areas of Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea.
The crux of disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea are issues concerning territory and maritime delimitation.
Chapter 2 reviews the practice to settle the disputes of maritime delimitation through legal method in the international community so far.
Chapter 3 of this Paper discusses the feasibility for settling the disputes of maritime delimitation through legal method respectively in three sea areas of China.
Chapter 3 of this Paper discusses the feasibility for settling the disputes of maritime delimitation through legal method respectively in three sea areas of China.