This is a lower risk situation, but it may take a long time before the market adjusts the stock's valuation.
The tough economy has helped the top firms in many industries to strengthen their position, in terms both of market share and of stockmarket valuation.
A company may need to beat profits forecasts for two or three quarters before the market is willing to give the stock a premium valuation.
Even in China, where the bull market has had many supporters, analysts believe the PetroChina valuation has got out of hand.
With a few firms sporting huge losses, weighting the gains and losses by market value gives a much better picture of the market's current valuation.
The current valuation is completely irrational, but as Keynes so correctly noted, the market can stay irrational longer than you can remain solvent.
SJM, which went public in July after repeatedly cutting its offering price to entice a sceptical market, has seen its valuation cut in half.
In theory, a higher standard of corporate-governance should result in a higher valuation, since listing in a well-regulated market shows a commitment from a company that it will not abuse investors.
If spread out over several years, the bank could absorb the hit from Household implied by the mark to-market valuation without damaging its capital.
Such worries help account for the relatively lowly valuation of the pure investment banks in the stock market.
We in the market is not a very high price, is a reasonable valuation .
Property rules — Legal rules that govern the initial allocation of entitlements. Valuation of the entitlements is left to the market.
A more accurate valuation will not be known until Facebook's board decides to venture towards a stock market float.
The assumptions of corporate valuation include continuing operation assumption and public market assumption.
The company’s stock is at its lowest level in 50 years, and its market valuation has plunged to $5.9 billion, less than that of the Hershey candy-bar company.
Developed stock markets will continue to march ahead, and emerging markets will perform in overdrive as they work to make up their valuation discount to developed-market stocks.
发达股市会继续引领向前,新兴股市为了要把自己的估值贴现(valuation discount)做得高于发达市场股票,会超速运转。
The brand is the valuation coefficient of the merchandise quantity content and the market value and identify the badge to record.
The rule for stock valuation is that it should be taken at cost price or market price, whichever is the lower .
It appears that after the sharp decline on the market valuation has been a defensive action.
Guided by these principles, an appraiser attempts to consider all issues relevant to the valuation problem in a manner that is consistent and reflects local market conditions.
The option price is to be based on a market cap valuation on the day Huikang is listed on one of the US stock exchanges.
The sales comparison approach or market approach is also frequently used in business valuation.
Secondly in enterprise valuation cost method should proceed with book value of the financial statement, regard market value as adjusting orientation and reduce application range of cost method.
Therefore, under the 1900 - point market with a dividend yield point of view of a reasonable valuation.
There are four traditional means of valuation. They are book value adjusted, market value, directly comparing, discount cash flow .
In the case of the present market, the valuation of the holding_value must combine the basic analysis with the technique analysis, in accordance with the strategy changes of the game.
In the case of the present market, the valuation of the holding_value must combine the basic analysis with the technique analysis, in accordance with the strategy changes of the game.