Moreover, while all this is happening, immigrants are allegedly streaming into the us, partly at the behest of big business, to keep the Labour market weak.
That the UK lags behind is due to our weak, by international standards, local government, as well as the opposition to taxes and regulation of our aggressively pro-market ruling party.
Weak firms need to exit the market, either by going bust or being sold to another firm, or the whole business environment gets stifled.
A main root of the world financial crisis is the weak housing market in the United States.
And the housing market remains very weak.
Domestic pricing pressures remain very weak and the labor market will likely remain flattish.
This caution is the result of a weak market.
Still, most industries were not hiring, an indication that the labor market remained weak.
With the job market so weak, businesses have been able to find or retain all the workers they need with minimal wage increases, or even with wage cuts.
Then again, with true no reserve in today's weak market, where the world is still flooded with unwanted yachts, it could go for much less.
The weak luxury-car market isn't isolated to North America as economies from Japan to Germany are in or near recession.
As a result, you will see increased savings rates, more cautious spending and business behavior, and as a result a long-term weak export market.
'a weak labor market makes consumers and businesses even less creditworthy and causes lenders to pull back even further,' says Barclay's Mr. Pandl.
Lenovo is refocusing on the Chinese market due to weak demand in the U.S. and Europe.
Cities are struggling from the same problems that have left the national economy sputtering: high unemployment, a depressed housing market and weak consumer spending.
That will dump more jobless people into a weak job market, making it harder for those already unemployed to find work and pressing down wages and hours.
Weak returns are bearable if the market grows and the rules are clear.
These unprecedented injections are aimed at easing concerns that weak participants in the interbank market will fail to honour their debts.
The ensuing chaos would give the market an opportunity to hammer other weak Eurozone countries like Spain and Portugal.
Despite regular reviews of the retail market, public trust in the utilities is weak.
A slight improvement in the weak housing market and better-than-expected earnings from Home Depot Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. also gave investors a reason to buy.
持续疲软的房地产市场略有好转,美国家得宝公司(Home Depot)和沃尔玛连锁超市(Wal - MartStores)公布财报收益好于预期,促使投资者买进股票。
Nokia Corp., the world's largest maker of mobile phones, Tuesday announced a range of new job-cutting measures to reduce costs and adapt to weak market conditions.
球最大的手机制造商诺基亚(NokiaCorp .)周二宣布了一系列最新裁员举措,意在削减成本,适应当前低迷的市场环境。
And the market should not be a place "where the strong subdue the weak".
America's weak Labour market deserves much of the blame.
America's weak Labour market deserves much of the blame.