In steady flow mass flux is constant.
In steady flow, mass flux is constant.
For incompressible fluids, both the mass flux and the volume flux are constant in a tube of flow.
The particle mass flux was measured and the characteristics of particle suspension layers was presented.
The change in mass flux resulting from the steam density change is corrected by the temperature offset algorithm.
The mass flux of macromolecules ia solution depends on molecular weight, polymer density, molecular size and shape.
It was shown that heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing heat flux, mass flux and decreasing gap of the annular channel.
The method of mass flux correction is introduced with success in order to accelerate convergence in iteration of velocity and pressure calculation.
It is found that the peak values of mass flux, momentum flux and centerline velocity of synthetic jet increase in proportion to the depth of orifice.
When multi-channels model is used for thermal-hydraulic analysis in reactors with closed fuel lattice, the mass flux distribution must be solved at first.
The heat exchanged between the probe of constant temperature thermal flowmeter and the flow correlates not only with the mass flux but also with the flow temperature.
The heat flux sensor has been modified and the relation between response time, impact pressure, spray pressure, mass flux and heat flux has been studied in this paper.
The heat transfer characteristics of the both passages are compared under the conditions of the identical mass flux, identical pressure drop and identical pumping power.
The analysis includes the concentration ratio at the base of a GCL, advective and diffusive mass flux, and total accumulated contaminant mass through the liner per unit area.
The energy flux and mass flux equations have been established while a liquid vapor phase change occurs on spherical gas nucleus wall on the basis of non equilibrium thermodynamics.
For the end, an equation of mass flux of jet about time deduced by the differential element method was compared to CFD results, and the influence of design parameters was analyzed.
The influences of time, current intensity, initial solute concentration on two-phase concentration ratio, recovery ratio, total mass flux, and electric current efficiency was discussed.
With the decreasing of superficial gas velocity or increasing of solid mass flux, solid volume fraction at different axial positions increases simultaneously, while the particle velocity decreases.
The essential performance had been achieved by testing through changing boundary layer ejector pumping capacity, mixing chamber clapboard length, the counterpressure, main inlet mass flux and so on.
The algebraic expressions of enthalpy flux and mass flow rate in regenerator as well as the phase difference between pressure and mass flow rate at pulse tube cold end are presented.
The experimental results showed that the extraction rate and mass transfer flux increased with the field strength increasing.
After the continuous mass concentration and flux conditions of the contaminant between two media were adopted, the bottom boundary condition of liner systems was treated.
Thus the averaged relationships between the flux density of the direct solar radiation and the air mass under various coefficients of transparency P2 were obtained.
An expression is derived using basical concepts of physics ( i. e. mass conservation ), to define the relationship between sediment transport rate and vertical flux of sediment to the seabed.
The results show that when the two kinds of tropopause are used, the mass and ozone fluxes cross tropopause in tropical latitudes are TST flux areas, and convers to the STT flux in the sub\|tropics.
结果表明,采用这两种定义下的对流层顶时,穿越对流层顶的质量和臭氧通量都表现出在热带纬度带为TST通量, 到了副热带则转换为STT通量。
A dynamic model of clarification-thickening process is introduced based on the solid flux theory and the mass balance of each layer of a one-dimensional settling tank.
The perimeter averaged heat transfer coefficients depend on heat flux, mass flow rate, quality and saturated pressure.
The perimeter averaged heat transfer coefficients depend on heat flux, mass flow rate, quality and saturated pressure.