The dialectical materialism philosophic thought is generally implied in theory and practice of accounting.
Among them, Marx emphasizes dynamic role and creativity especially and regards it as the fundamental difference between one's own practice view and old materialism practice of view.
The ontological significance of vision and position is embodied in the practice of materialism.
The aesthetic relation of human treating reality that starts from practical materialism and practice concept is the central research object.
Marxist philosophy is the philosophy of practical materialism, but the final base of the whole world is not practice, but material.
The problem of value is essentially a problem of historical activities of practice in human society. Marxist materialism based on practice enlightens us in how to reconstruct value philosophy.
This understanding has high coherence and correspondence with my "materialism of communication practice" in the fields of philosophical approaches, main views and basic mode.
Marxist philosophic transformation is the self practice central principles that may take the place of direct force principle of materialism and abstract active principle of idealism.
On the basis of the practical outlook of materialism, it generalized the three factors of the system: subject of practice, object of practice and information.
In The Outline of Feuerbach Marx founded a thorough practical materialism with men as core and practice as base.
It is argued in the article that the fundamental ideas of water control in ancient China are exemplary attempts to putting naive materialism into practice.
Practice materialism, in on the basis of materialism therefore, nature is a kind of materialism philosophy.
Marx's practice outlook and the theory of world history are the most important part in his historical materialism.
However, the combination of Marxist "view of practice" of thorough materialism and Heidegger's theory of "ontology" based on the idea of "Dasein" has caused some confusions and contradictions.
In practice, maturing and improvement of the social organism of Marx's theory is a gem of historical materialism.
In practice, maturing and improvement of the social organism of Marx's theory is a gem of historical materialism.