He argued that the fundamental problem with mathematical economics was that it was tautological.
In 1968, he went to a Chair in mathematical economics at Oxford, and became a fellow of Nuffield College.
Conception of Gini coefficient in mathematical economics is applied in seismology to study the seismic centralized degree in the space.
Mathematical economics refers to the application of mathematical methods to represent economic theories and analyze problems posed in economics.
The article deals with a few important properties of profit function and supply mapping in the mathematical economics from the view of mathematics.
In the past decades, it had become the core of mathematical economics to construct individual behavior models. A number of literatures were related to the maximum of expected utility.
To a person of analytical ability, perceptive enough to realise that that mathematical equipment was a powerful sword in economics, the world of economics was his or her oyster in 1935.
While mathematical fluency is very useful, it should not be at the heart of economics instruction.
Mathematical methods are used extensively in economics, medicine, agriculture, architecture, arts and all other fields of modern knowledge.
Much of classical economics can be presented in simple geometric terms or elementary mathematical notation.
Brownian motion has been widely popular in many purely scientific fields, such as physics, economics, communications theory, biology, management science and mathematical statistics.
Seeing from the causes of scale economics, there exist some problems in commercial banks in China, thus a mathematical model of moderate scale in commercial banks is set up.
In this paper, We briefly introduce the mathematical methods in economics, look back to its history and look forward to its broad prospect.
The mathematical theory of economics is thus preoccupied with statistical techniques.
Mathematical thought and method has penetrated into almost social disciplines and made great contributions in particular to the achievements in the realm of economics.
Multiobjective optimization is a useful mathematical model in many areas, such as economics, engineering, and decision making, to solve real world problems with conflicting objectives.
With the help of mathematical model, the paper employs the concept of external effect in economics and its relevant theory to explore the effects of foreign players on league utility.
On the other hand, the number of Chinese economists with strong mathematical modeling skills and training in standard western economics is limited.
The linear complementarity problem was very useful in economics, it was widely used in game theory and mathematical programming.
Complementarity problems are of an important branch in the mathematical programming field, which are widely found in many fields such as engineering, economics and traffic control.
Something similar can be said of economics, which also addresses an ever-expanding array of questions, but pursues them all through a single method, mathematical formalism.
同样的,经济学也能这么说。它也在探讨越来越广泛的问题,但都是通过单一方法- - -数学模型来研究。
Something similar can be said of economics, which also addresses an ever-expanding array of questions, but pursues them all through a single method, mathematical formalism.
同样的,经济学也能这么说。它也在探讨越来越广泛的问题,但都是通过单一方法- - -数学模型来研究。