In their laboratory research, scientists frequently measure this delivery and use of oxygen, calling it maximum oxygen uptake or VO2 Max.
在实验室的研究中,科学家频繁的测量输送和利用的氧气,称之为最大携氧量,也就是VO2 max。
The max-beans-in-free-pool element defines the maximum size of the free pool of EJBs for a specific entity bean, stateless session bean, or message-driven bean.
max - beans - in -free -pool元素定义了特定实体bean、无状态会话bean或消息驱动bean的ejb空闲池的最大大小。
The max-elements element specifies the maximum number of elements that should be returned by a multi-finder or ejbSelect method.
max-elements元素指定 multi-finder或 ejbSelect 方法应该返回的最大元素数。
The maximum acceptable junction temperature is different for C and I grade devices. If it is higher than the max. acceptable temperature, you may consider adding a heatsink or cooling fan.
The maximum acceptable junction temperature is different for C and I grade devices. If it is higher than the max. acceptable temperature, you may consider adding a heatsink or cooling fan.