If you have one card, you can create a maximum overhang of half a card length.
He wanted to bring quick, healthy, local food to customers and also build a from-the-table Wi-Fi ordering system that would include a credit card slider for maximum efficiency.
Pay by credit or charge card: for maximum consumer protections.
The highest voltage a switch card can withstand reliably is the maximum volt age specification, which is determined primarily by the relay specification.
South rebid two spades, a so-called superaccept promising four-card heart support, a maximum and, typically, a doubleton somewhere.
"Maximum signal levels" refers to the highest levels of voltage, current, and power that can be switched without damaging the switch card.
A maximum of 3 supplementary CARDS are permitted per principal card account.
To prevent damage to the switch card, verify that the product of the maximum current and maximum voltage does not exceed the power rating of the switch card.
Factors that affect the maximum current through the switch card include the traces on the board, the connectors, and the relays.
Before you go out, scrape every window for maximum visibility - a quick rub across the driver's side windscreen with a credit card won't do.
At present, because of the long production term and high cost of telephone card, it's not good for carriers seeking the maximum profit and it's also not good for environmental protection.
The results show that there are inverse proportional relationship between full wavelength at half maximum(FWHM)of the LIV signal and critical sample rate of data acquisition card.
Spending with more than 1 Applicable Credit Card under the same cardholder will be counted. Each Cardholder can accumulate spending with maximum of 3 Applicable Credit Cards.
The resistance and Seebeck voltages used to calculate the ZT and the maximum temperature difference are measured using a testing system composed of a DC pulse generator and a DAQ card.
Maximum for 6 regular price tickets purchase within one day per membership card.
In this paper, the problem of maximum income in credit card industry is considered, a mathematical model of this problem as well as its analysis is given and solved.
Credit Limit the maximum amount of credit a bank or other lender will extend to customers on a single credit card.
Credit LimitThe maximum amount of credit a bank or other lender will extend to customers on a single credit card.
Motion maximum, the most classical probably still an invitation card"the lodge a complaint stone water supply plant water quality in the thumb latch is badly"2 months ago.
Card 1 (Account No. XXXXXXXXXXXX) : the attached deposit record shows that the balance of the card has always been over XXXXX Yuan and the maximum amount had been XXXX Yuan.
Card 1 (Account No. XXXXXXXXXXXX) : the attached deposit record shows that the balance of the card has always been over XXXXX Yuan and the maximum amount had been XXXX Yuan.