Corrosion resistant ss fluid passages, air Control Valve in Ergonomic handle, with new MAXIMUM DELIVERY air nozzles.
After the message is rolled back to the destination, the underlying system redelivers the message based on the destination's maximum failed delivery setting.
Subscribers can specify a maximum QoS for delivery of messages on a per-topic basis, so a message published at QoS 2 May not be delivered to its subscribers at that level.
But to have the maximum effect (and provide the optimum experience for the user) the delivery environment needs to be created correctly.
In their laboratory research, scientists frequently measure this delivery and use of oxygen, calling it maximum oxygen uptake or VO2 Max.
在实验室的研究中,科学家频繁的测量输送和利用的氧气,称之为最大携氧量,也就是VO2 max。
From here, the message is redelivered four times based on the default Maximum failed deliveries setting of five (once for the original delivery plus four redeliveries).
在这里,基于缺省最大失败提交次数设置值5(1次原始提交加上4次重新提交)将消息重新提交 4 次。
The fundamental design issues that arise in the pickup and delivery system planning are optimizing the system with minimum cost and maximum throughput and service level.
Production and delivery date: according to actual producing situation but it shall within 30 days maximum.
These blowers provide maximum air delivery using a minimum of panel height, and are used where panel space is a critical element in the design and packaging of an electronics system.
All-natural extended release delivery system for superior absorption and maximum activity.
Well, normally you get one major active ingredient that really helps a product to perform, and that ingredient will be encased within a high-tech delivery system to ensure maximum effectiveness.
Well, normally you get one major active ingredient that really helps a product to perform, and that ingredient will be encased within a high-tech delivery system to ensure maximum effectiveness.