Robert Nozick, one of the libertarian philosophers we read for this course, puts it this way: Individuals have rights.
What about Mill's attempt to account for the especially weighty character of individual rights and justice in chapter five of Utilitarianism.
But most importantly, I think, is to go back to the importance given to the individual in Hobbes' philosophy.
But the modern world, to get back to that, to this Enlightenment world, individualism and a key aspect to that is hedonism.
So Nabokov imbues that state of impersonality with certain kinds of emotion and then asks the reader to be as impersonal as that modernist artist also must be.
Some coming from East Asian societies have said, this emphasis in the West on individualism.
The occult gives Yeats aesthetic forms for understanding individual psychology and historical event.
And we'll talk about and discuss the importance of idealism and maintaining idealism if we are to introduce personal change, inter-personal change, or community or society change.
It's the quintessential sort of expression of individualism, but it's more than that.
So--you might think " "Oh, no, the physicalist is wrong," when the physicalist says that personality memory, belief, consciousness, what have you is housed or based in the body is based in an immaterial soul.
And doesn't Hobbes' materialism and his sort of mechanistic theory of nature seem to detract from any inherent worth ? of the individual?
The type of individual he tried to create, careful, self-interested, risk averse, this has become ? the dominant ethos of our civilization, has it not?
Another aspect that is very important in this sort of enlightenment approach is individualism, that the core of everything is the single individual person.
Hobbes' individuality or individualism is closely connected to this conception of a human being or human well-being as success in the competition for the goods of life.
And, Hobbes tell us he would banish all doctrines that profess to make the individual or the sect, more importantly in some ways the sect, the judge of the sovereign.
So, you have this tremendous continuity between the sort of the honor code that was so dominant in the Homeric world, which has now been shifted to the larger unit, which is the polis.
The body theorist should say, The key to personal identity is having the same body, to wit,the same brain,to wit,enough of the brain to keep the personality going-- provided that there's no branching,no splitting,no perfect competitors,only one.
Libertarian say that's also a violation of the right to liberty.
This, in many ways arguably, makes him the founding father or maybe we should say godfather of modern liberalism, the importance given to rights over duties, of the individual over in many ways the collective or common good.