So, indeed, we are talking about a lot of void and a tiny little bit of extremely dense being.
And the fact of the matter is that rock and roll, which was invented within the lifetime of many of us.
We are honoring instead the integrity of what they're saying without thinking about whether or not it might be true.
We have 266, as some of you might know who saw me counting ping-pong balls the other day in office hours.
And, in fact, if any electron comes in their midst, they'll capture it because the binding energy is so high.
In fact, better than that, this guy is already sorted as well because I whittled that problem down to size 1.
In fact, love and desire are really at the center of Frost's poetry.
The exception is right there. It's an index error, that is it's trying to do something going beyond the range of what this thing could deal with.
And ironically you sense, when you read this that even though Cain intends this as a rhetorical question "Am I my brother's keeper?"--in fact, he's right on the money.
Actually we have Milton's commonplace book, his reading notes, and you can find it all in English translation in volume one of The Complete Prose Works of John Milton.
You have therefore one world, - and in fact this whole dream of Alexander-- and it was a very self-conscious, propaganda campaign and a cultural campaign on Alexander's part.
In fact, the vast majority of citizens in even the platonically just city will not necessarily have platonically just souls.
In fact, he actually emphasized a concept that was first stated by a French philosopher Louis Blanc in the mid-nineteenth century.
And I actually say in my acknowledgements that I wrote this book, above all, for the next generation, for my children.
Having said that of course, Hannibal went through the mountains which kind of screws up the lesson, but too late now.
In fact, they're no longer capable of reproducing; all they can do is exist as red blood cells and then die.
Indeed, to get at that question, the first thing we're going to have to think about is what are we?
We normally think of teaching as a synchronic process, you and I are in the same place and in the same time while we are learning, when in fact at least right now we are not.
In fact, Gadamer even insists that if we don't have this phenomenon of being pulled up short, our reading is basically just solipsistic.
What appears to the naked eye to be just glowing is actually superposition of different lines of distinct frequency. So, you see, this is quantized.
And, in fact, he did make some more strides, he was a brilliant thinker, maybe he put it more articulately than those two younger scientists could have.
And the person we have to thank for actually giving us this more concrete way to think about what a wave function squared is is Max Born here.
To be sure, Machiavelli focuses on key aspects of political reality which are often ignored by thinkers like Plato and Aristotle.
A couple of you, well this could be-- In fact, some engineering schools offer courses in finance, did you know that?
You can prove that, in fact, if you were writing a contract, if there was a social planner you'd work more.
In fact, there are some very old books that show this as the average, the sum divided by two arithmetic mean, but the modern practice is to use the geometric mean.
But in fact, if you just run your fingers again and again over this floppy disk you are disorienting those particles or knocking them off perhaps altogether, depending on the medium.
So this is a nice little search-- sorry, a nice little sort algorithm . And in fact, it's relying on something that we're going to come back to, called the loop invariant.
We use it differently now. But the fact is that the common or profane state is the natural default state of most objects and things. This table is just profane. It's common.
Now for next time we'll be reading Lycidas, which is about the death of a friend -- and the death of a friend, in fact, who died a virgin, we have to assume.