That's Socrates, that's the great message of Socrates He then said the trouble with human being is they have language and therefore they get confused.
We implicitly demand of expository texts," he goes on to say -and he may be alluding to Gadamer here because after all Gadamer is talking primarily about expository text, works of philosophy, works of social thought, which of course aren't trying to surprise or trick us.
Gibberish, or so it sounded, or Greek but making no sense to anybody, and then the priest would listen to this stuff and he would say, what Apollo said through the priestess here is, and he would give the message.
So he sent out a fake--he bought -he shorted the company and he --the stock in the company- and he bought --he put out a fake press release saying that there was bad news for the company.
But then he said : t live up to our values, we shall be shipwrecked among nations."
Well, the next lines in Homer say that one soldier popped up and said, "Of all the great things Odysseus has done for us here, that was greatest, to shut up a big mouth idiot like Thersites."