If my code is correct, what should the average price be, after say, 100 days, if there's no bias. Pardon?
OK, then we'll get the old price, which we're going to try and remember, and now comes the interesting part.
You bought the house for $300,000; you sell it for $270,000 that's exactly what you owe, so you have nothing left.
With the recent spike in food prices around the world that you've all heard of because of rising energy costs.
We went again to see what was happening in these regions when people considering the products and these prices.
You're going to work out what firm's demands are going to look like for each possible price they could set.
And they type in "cappuccino" on a little terminal, which is basically a calculator on top of the cash box, and then they get $3.24 from that. They get a receipt.
And last is cost, last is cost; hydrogen is not cheap.
I didn't have the commercial price for the chickenpox vaccine called Varivax but you can imagine that it's even more than $50 a dose for that one.
If the base move is 0, then the price doesn't change So that makes sense. Interesting question.
The oil futures market is very significant because it represents the price of energy on dates into the future.
But that no particular stock is more or less likely to outperform the market, because all the information is incorporated in the price.
I managed to find price indexes for Norway and Netherlands going back to 1890 and compared that with the U.S.
I produce any quantity at all in addition to what's out there already, what's going to happen to the price?
And we find there's lots of consumer surplus because the prices are really as low as they ever could be.
The discount rate that is shown is the number that you plug into a formula to get the price.
That is to say, current prices reflect all publicly known information about each stock, and therefore are unbiased.
since all the information is in the current price, you don't have to worry about whether it went up or down yesterday, to decide what it's going to do today.
That if people thought that the stock was underpriced well people would buy more of it in the price would have risen already.
The price of the two-period bond is 1/2 and the price of the one-period bond is 1/.
It has to stay relevant to the market, so nobody really knows where these interest rates come from because no one person sets them.
Even if the expected value is the same, they'd move around a lot.
However, then I'll have the whole market, it's as if I'm a monopolist but suddenly I'm pricing above the monopoly price, that can't be right.
I never want to price above the monopoly price, because I know the monopoly price, when I'm the monopolist, is the most profit I could ever make.
So if Pepsi is dumb enough to price above monopoly, sure I will undercut Pepsi but I won't undercut Pepsi by a penny, I'll undercut Pepsi all the way down to the monopoly price and make monopoly profits.
Maybe it's a tradition, maybe it's to keep the value kind of in a familiar range or a small-- they don't want them to get too expensive because people can't-- small investors can't afford them anymore.
In one model we thought of the firms setting quantities and the market determining prices, and here we have the firms setting prices and the market determining quantities, but the basic underlying economic structure of this is very, very similar.
It's kind of like the average price of a share adjusted for splits because you don't want the--obviously when they do a two-for-one split, the price falls in half and that's meaningless, so you want to correct for splits.
We've seen the price of oil, lately, move all over the map. It went up to $100 recently and it was just as late as late 1990s that it was under $20 and people just don't know where it's going to go.
Now, there's the other side of the stock going up and we have to think about how much that can cost us and whether our coupons are enough and whether the difference between the $.60 that we paid is apt to cover that.