Since the 1990s, we've seen a proliferation of new kinds of mortgages that especially are offered to low-income people by certain lenders.
Low-income people were being given adjustable rate mortgages with very low starter rates, called "teaser rates," " that would be raised in the future.
The problem is then that these were sold to low-income people, in many cases, who didn't understand what they were getting and that after two years the interest rate would reset up.
They are borrowers that are thought, by the various models, to be likely to fail to pay on their mortgage and to have to be foreclosed; often low income, but also they're people with poor credit histories.
It's important--that's one reason why we want policies that encourage equality of incomes-- not necessarily equality, but reasonable equality-- because the people with very low wealth have a very high marginal utility of income and people with very high wealth have very little.