And if they can identify those things, they can think about a life work, they can think about their calling.
Talk a little bit about the work of Interfaith Youth Core and what its basic mission and goals are.
It's always Milton's duty - this is the reason that he was put on this earth: to liberate a people from any such constraining customs.
Under that heading you might call "American Progress" came the sense of American mission: spreading liberty, spreading democracy, spreading Christianity.
And the mission of the positive psychology center is to promote research, training, education and dissemination of positive psychology.
It's so important for us at EPA to build and continue to build our recognition and our mission with the youth.
But at the same time like real people, they can turn around and act in a way that is loyal and true above and beyond the call of duty.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, from the beginning, had it as its mission to make financial markets work properly; that is a wonderful story.
It was clear,he was another Achilles in his own eyes, and it was for him to achieve the great deeds that I have been mentioning.
It sends it's signal, it's signal - the signal that it sends is this change in voltage, and once it changes, maybe it's all done.
And that's our obligation to send them to war only when we have to, and only when we know they can actually achieve their mission is a key difference between what I advocate and what the neo-cons advocate.
Plato himself, remember, made a number of trips to Sicily to serve as the advisor to a king there, Dionysius, and all of these missions failed and left him deeply dispirited.
We should also say that this is part of the mission of the President's Council.
Ronald Reagan argued it was our noble cause in Vietnam.
And what struck me most about conversations that I had, either in Leverett or other houses, were students is their sense of mission,your sense of mission, your desire to do good, to make the world a better place.
In the first lecture, I talked about a lot of things, but one theme that comes to my mind is the theme of the moral purpose and mission of the finance community.
So the democratization of finance is, I think, the ultimate mission of--I find central to this course but it brings with it dangerous hazards and we have to think very carefully about how we do it.
But Milton portrays himself as a laborer here, a poet who by labor and intense study actually has to work to produce the great poem. Milton's divine vocation, his calling, seems in this light to be something like a vocation in the modern sense: it's a job that exacts work or labor.
Well I thought that would be my life calling, and perhaps as a dean I have made it happen. -In some ways and aspect.