And at the end of our walk, when I pointed to a locomotive and I said look at that train.
And then my family moved to England for 5 years
in such a way that after the rates were raised, they likely couldn't afford to pay the mortgage anymore or they'd be under great stress in trying to do so.
And I don't know, I used to love to quote from it but then I began to realize I'm only quoting that because it's about a guy's eye being gouged out.
He doesn't at first hear the horn fail to blow, and then later, when a truck pulls up behind him, he fails to hear a horn that does blow: He was looking at the sign, and he didn't hear the horn.
He spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria, but he died in London and he escaped to London soon after retreating there at the beginning of World War II as the Nazis began to occupy where he lived.
These were, in turn, later transplanted to the New World and established in towns like Cambridge, and, of course, New Haven.
But then he meets someone by the name of-- who do we have?