Remi won't have Dean in the car, so the car drives on. Sal is with a new girlfriend, Laura,about to whom he's told all about Dean.
And I remember me and her and my friend Laura and my friend Heath and her brother,
Poor little Laura, my baby, to whom I had told everything about Dean, began almost to cry."Oh, we shouldn't let him go like this.What'll we do?"
and my friend Laura fell backwards, onto the wall.
Dear Sal, sweet Laura. I've come, I've gone, but wait, ah, yes," and he stared with rocky sorrow into his hands. "Can't talk no more.
It's Laura who cries at Dean's abandonment, while he maintains this composure, this masculine composure: "he'll be all right." But, the sadness here is surely Sal's.
In that moment Sal supplies the answer for why Dean came, "never knew why he had come anyway," and then Sal supplies "except to see me," and his own pain and tears are routed through Laura.