One thing to notice is this part of the double helix that we'll call the backbone.
Those are two continuous strands that wind around each other to form the double helix.
They would naturally hybridize and form a duplex, or a double stranded nucleic acid.
I want to start by showing you this cartoon that you already know about with the structure of a double helix.
This is - what this diagram shows you is-- the forces that hold these individual strands of DNA into a double stranded form.
They will reform their natural structure, and for DNA that means forming double helixes.
Hybridization simply means that DNA will re-nature and form a stable double helix only with its particular match, only with the hybrid that it is perfectly complementary, too.
DNA is a double helix, you know this, the double helix was--the structure of DNA was discovered about the time that I was born you've always lived with it.
If I'm talking about two DNA strands and they differ only in one or two base pairs they won't be exact complements and they won't form this double helix.
Now remember that there were only four different colors in the cartoon of the DNA double helix that we talked about and I told you that those colors are really - represent the bases but there's five of them here.
Now DNA is a double helix and I've only shown you one part of the helix, right? I've shown you one upright strut and a base hanging off of it, but it forms a double helix because complementary strands of DNA strongly associate with one another and that's a very stable structure.