In "Easter, 1916" I talked about Yeats's partial, complicated identification with the suffering martyrs of that poem.
To figure out even what this thing is, let alone how to use it properly. So, you know, I'm sympathetic.
And Mars has this sort of human, flabby torso that's not-- it's sympathetic, but it's a different portrayal of war.
The fact that our happiness is tied to others, the fact that we are tied to others in a web of empathy-- that's a wonderful thing about human nature.
In fact, the London newspaper at that time and popular opinion sympathized with them, Dudley and Stevens, and the paper said if they weren't motivated by affection and concern for their loved ones at home and their dependents, surely they wouldn't have done this.
If unfamiliar, these are the mechanical computer devices that you have to use to buy a ticket on the T these days and there was one of these really awkward but touching situations where it was clear that this woman had no idea, you know, what to do, how to get from here to here, and I could see her just staring at the turnstiles that you're supposed to go through to get into the subway.
I feel bad saying that. But his schizophrenia has been under control.
So, if a stranger slips on a banana peel and lands on his butt, I might laugh because I'm not overcome by compassion.
I don't think we're meant to feel much for Hoover Shoates here.
I wasn't taught to be compassionate towards myself.
So that's very sad, that part of his art was very very sad. But I still, I feel pathetic as I say in the last pages or so, but I never lost admire of his fortitude in going on and doing as much as he did.
However it can also be used to mean an expression of sympathy.
They look at you and they say,
They don't legislate compassion. It's likely that these were considered acts of, who knows, personal conscience, religious conviction, something that was between the individual and society and their God.
Nobody really believed he still had these sympathies, but the whole question was, why didn't he fess up?
They're more like propositions, like speculations, that we're asked to test through empathic identification with, in this case, the poem's subject, Leda.
And then Zeus, Athena and especially Aphrodite, looking down on him, took mercy and brought the statue to life.
So, empathy, caring, sympathy don't kick in, but instead there's the aggression unleashed at somebody and there has to be some level of surprise.
And you have to have some sympathy for Descartes.
I actually want to change that around, if I might, and play with that, because that's a really useful image for us: "takes the mask off literature and reminds us how we come to be sympathetic or Richard Wright how we come to think something." Think back to Richard Wright, who wants words to disappear, to be completely transparent and to leave you just with your response.
He is not a gentleman. But how magically his singing violin can conjure up a tendresse, a compassion for Lolita that makes us entranced with the book while abhorring its author.
And the real is that sense of suffering, and that the novel can make you feel things, both the pleasure of humor or the pleasure of beauty, but also that sense of compassion.
But rather to express sympathy for what somebody else is going through.
It's sort of a sympathetic look at--that's the name of this-- of these expiring dudes there.
It's a foreign concept to most of us to be that compassionate to ourselves.
You can ask people-- and this is a way which we talk to our children when we try to get our children to expand their moral concern of compassion.
He's the charlatan preacher. We're certainly not meant to identify with him or to sympathize with him, but here you can't help but thinking about someone getting their thumb smashed in a door.
Yeats looks at them with pity, with admiration, with scorn.
And then, I'm going to skip down a little bit: Though she never again called back any image of the dead man to dress up, pose, talk to and make answer, neither would she lose a new compassion for the cul-de-sac he'd tried to find a way out of, for the enigma his efforts had created.
Poor Enoch! I feel so bad for him in this passage.