- So that brings us back to -- it's a feature that will be disabled by tonight, I'm sure.
So today is about writing some programs and empowering you to write your own starting this coming week when Pset One goes out via the website tonight by 7:00 p.m.
All your TA's have either already have their extra office hours, or there are some that will be going on tonight or tomorrow, so keep those in mind as your finishing up your studying for the exam.
You can go online and sign up there but you're still shopping so we're not starting sections tonight.
I'm going to post PowerPoints for all the lectures, hopefully at least the day before the lecture takes place, so I posted this last night.
scratch Scratch is a program that you can download for free cs50 net and you will see in problem set 0 0 which will be posted on CS50.nettonight under problem sets in both standard and hacker editions, can you do the--can you--it will walk you through the process of getting this software.