They seem to be designed less to recruit philosophers and potential philosophers than to shape and educate citizens and future statesmen.
We often hear today about shaping regimes ? or about changing regimes but what is a regime?
This is a game where you get a little plastic device, it's got 15 plastic numbers on it and one hole in this little plastic board and you can move those numbers up, down, left to right, and the goal is to take what's a random assortment of tiles and arrange them in numeric order and that's one of these little things you can play sort of absentmindedly.
These stories, the stories we hear from earliest childhood on, shape us in some very meaningful sense for the rest of our lives.
Aristotle tells us that this kind of knowledge is a kind of knowledge most appropriate to politics.
We are what we are because of the power and authority of the laws, the customs, the traditions, the culture that has shaped us.
Every regime shapes a common character a common character type with distinctive traits and qualities.
What kind of a friendship are these bonds of affection that he says hold the city ? together and that make it a regime?
Is it a book about the power of poetry and myth, what we would call the whole domain of culture to shape souls and to shape our societies?
It is not enough merely to speak the same words, but in a sense, citizens must have certain common experiences, certain common memory and experience that shape a city and the people.
It consists of the entire way of life the moral and religious practices the habits customs and sentiments that make a people what they are.
The city and soul analogy could be seen then as an attempt to understand how societies reproduce themselves, and how they shape citizens who again in turn shape the societies in which they inhabit.
You might say that the best way to learn what political philosophy is is simply to study and read the works of those ! who have shaped the field--yes right?
One way of thinking about the metaphor of city and soul together is to think of it as a particular kind of causal hypothesis, about the formation of both individual character and political institutions.