And I'm going to call this the you can break even law; you can break even law.
You know sometimes when you're losing and you redouble and you keep hoping to win back what you've lost?
And my own belief is when you are not in command ; when you are humble before the thing; frankly, only then, is anything of any interest is going to happen in the arts.
So you can't do this, because you're going to lose track of the numbers if you do that.
If you want to lose electron, you have to find someplace for that electron to go.
And if you were suddenly stripped of your ability to make generalizations, you'd be at a loss.
As you develop, as you're educated, you retain all those potentials for a certain point and then you make choices and you lose some of those potentials.
If you have too much fun, things will get away from you.
He is beyond reason and you can punish him.
Your P-functioning is actualized now, because you're engaged in thought, but you don't lose the ability to think during those moments when you're not thinking.
It's still your body after you lose-- some molecules, even a lot of molecules.
Trauma, a blow to the head, a stroke can rid you of your language.
But you can't just ditch an electron.
If you buy a house and you don't pay the mortgage, the contract says you lose the house-- you're out--you've got to pay or it goes back to the mortgage originator.
If you have multiple electrons we can lose them in sequence.
Or, you like math now but then you lose your taste in math, and you become the kind of person perhaps who's interested in Chinese poetry, whatever it is.
Other disorders that we'll discuss later on include acquired psychopathy, where damage to parts of your brain, particularly related to the frontal lobes, rob you of the ability to tell right from wrong.
But, also, there are genetic disorders, some falling under the rubric of what's known as "Specific language impairment," where children are born without the same ability as the rest of us to learn to speak.
You're losing your closest friend.
You never get them back.
Research suggests that there is a fair bit of redundancy in the brain, you can lose portions of the brain and still have a perfectly functioning, peak functioning person.
When they die,you lose them.
Why are you unable?
Again, it's not paralysis, it's not blindness, but due to certain parts of your--of damaged parts of your brain, you might lose, for instance, the idea that there's a left side of your body or a left side of the world.
So, if you were to lose half your brain, the other half can actually do a lot but some things are more prevalent and more powerful in one part of the brain than the other And I want to show you a brief film clip from "Scientific American" that illustrates the differences between the hemispheres, but before doing that,I want to provide some introductory facts.