Total quantity being produced is less than would be produced under perfect competition, but more than would be produced under monopoly.
So from the point of view of the producers, this Cournot Equilibrium is worse than monopoly, but better than perfect competition.
This is not a perfectly competitive market, but if it were, that's where price is going to end up.
You're absolutely right, I don't want to be involved in this market if the other guy is selling below cost.
So this will be the monopoly quantity for Firm 2 and this is the competitive quantity of Firm 1.
So the amount of output produced by the industry was somewhere between the case that would be under monopoly and under perfect competition.
So I claim that this total quantity being produced is less than the competitive quantity, but more in total than the monopoly quantity.
The outcome we believe I think, is that imperfect competition should look something between monopoly and perfect competition, it shouldn't look like perfect competition.
The "but" is that there are other ways we could model imperfect competition, and, as we're going to see today, they yield different answers.
So we have the monopoly quantity here, and we have the competitive here, and in between what does this best response curve look like?
If they're not at the competitive output they could undercut price and take the entire market.
But we'd like a model that yields an outcome that looks-- that when you only have two firms looks somewhere between monopoly and perfect competition.
And from the point of view of the rest of us, the consumers, this Cournot quantity is worse than perfect competition but better than monopoly.
And they're higher than perfect competition, which of course, has zero profits in this case.
They would be lower than the monopoly prices, but higher than the perfect competitive prices.
In a perfectly competitive market that's exactly where prices are going to end up.
I think most of us don't believe that two firms is enough to make it a perfect competition, that the regulator shouldn't worry about the third firm.
If you have imperfect competition, it's somewhere between perfect competition and no competition.
How did it compare to the monopoly quantity and to the competitive quantity?
One extreme case is perfect competition and the other extreme case is monopoly.
And we did a third thing, which we tried to match this up to the economic intuition about monopoly, and perfect competition, and demand curves, and so on.
I'm going to go away from studying imperfect competition and go back and visit something we studied almost the first day or maybe the second day, and that election.
All right, so last time we started to study imperfect competition.
How does this quantity compare and how do therefore the prices compare, and how do profits compare with monopoly prices on the one hand, and competitive prices on the other?
So everything that constitutes imperfect competition is a strategic setting.
It was more than under monopoly, less than perfect competition.
Consequently, prices are going to go the other way and consequently prices are going to be highest under monopoly, lowest on the competition, and somewhere in between in this Cournot situation.
So even though there's only two firms here, with price competition, identical products, we end up with an outcome that looks exactly like perfect competition, except for the fact there's only two firms.
So, so far what we've done is we've looked at this sort of classic, I admit not the most exciting game in the world, but classic application of Game Theory to imperfect competition.
Next time I'm actually going to take this a bit further but I'm going to leave this game behind and look at other ways in which we could study imperfect competition using Game Theory.