Are they beginning to have basic assumptions changed over the last 50 years? I guess, well, 60 years now?
From 1641 to 1643, there had been an unprecedented explosion of printing and publishing in England.
The First Bank of the United States was created in 1791 and they had a twenty-year charter which expired in 1811.
But if you think of the time span about 900 to 700 B.C., that is, when these changes are taking place.
I'm not asking is the car stage, the 2010 car stage ? the same car stage as the 2006 car stage?
By 1991, 1992, the company had grown ten times or something like that.
The last dated event that is mentioned in 2 Kings is something that occurred in 562. That was when King Jehoiachin was released from prison in Babylon, in 562.
So Christmas 1925 to New Year's 1926, what did you do for your Christmas vacation?
We know that there were many candidates in the '92 election and the 2000 election, and we know that "not voting" is important.
It's 1968 or '69, spilling over in to the seventies.
So, between 1650 and 1750, and this is right out of what you're reading, the rulers of continental Europe, of the biggest states extended their power.
I think it's '27; let me get my date right--in 1927 he moved to Chicago, moved north. And in the 1940s he moved to Paris, and he died there in 1960.
But,it was the longest republic and it lasts from, depending on when you start it-- and you can read about that-- whether you start it in 1875 or 1877, or when there really was a Republic, the early '80s-- it lasts until May,June 1940.
And now I've just heard that maybe one of those two recessions wasn't even a classic recession at all So the question is 1890 to 1945 on the one hand, 1983 to the present on the other, does that tell us that ? we've gotten better at government interventions?
This could be 1979, this could be 1980, and we keep adding points so we have a whole scatter of points.
We hear in the 1637 Lycidas those same cries of unripeness and under-preparation that we had heard in the 1631 sonnet, "How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth."
Then we had another recession that began in 1953 -that's that line--and it ended in '54, and so on.
This is since 1802-- now how many countries do you think have uninterrupted stock market data since 1802?
I might say the 2006 car stage's obviously not the same thing as the 1990 car stage.
And some of these works are referred to as the Apocrypha-- so you will have heard that term.These are writings that were composed somewhere around here, sort of 200 BCE to 100 CE.
My graduate student came back and said, it seems to have been Sir John Hicks in London in his 1931--1939 book, A Value in Capital.
He has data for a very long time period, 1802 to 2006, for the U.S.
Bodies may last 20 years, 50 years, 80 years, 100 years, but people would only last an hour or, if it's every minute substitution, a minute.
990 to 2006 very easy I saw the car every day in my garage.
I did it in 1925, but I've got it set up so that I will pay a hundred pounds in 1926 and I'll get this in 1927.
And that very same hunk continued into 2000 and it continued into 2006.
There's the performance version of 1634 and the printed version of 1637, and the additions to the text that Milton is making for the published version reflect, I think, his sense that he, like the Lady, is in the process of making an important transition.
It took these institutions until 1993--a full six years-- to get their bond allocation back down to where it had been prior to the crash in October 1987.
I have it shown with the--the vertical lines on this chart indicate recessions and this shows--this is from 1948 to 2007 and every recession that we've had since 1948 is shown.