Go ahead and just pinch the metal plates and watch your eyes 'cause these do--things do have little springs.
It is either elastic with full resistance or destruction.
There seems to be at least built in to Aristotle's account of politics a certain flexibility a certain latitude of discretion that in some passages even seems to border on a kind of relativism.
If you have a laptop and I persuade you to open it up for me and I take the pliers and kind of snip just about anywhere, your laptop will be destroyed but the brain is actually more resilient.
Therefore, it'll compress by an unknown x, which is equal to mg divided by the force constant of the spring.
因此它的压缩量为 x,也就等于 mg 除以弹簧的弹性系数
That's not literally true. I'm going to squeeze it a bit, I'm going to curve it a bit, so actually slightly fewer than a sixth will get straight A's, and fewer than a sixth will get C's and below.
It will typically look like this and the formula we say is F = - kx, where k is called "The force constant."
图像看上去一般就像这样,对应的式子是 F = - kx,k 叫做"弹性系数"
It is like an elastic collision between billiard balls.