• But the new Presbyterian Party soon developed its own methods of employing state power to control and regulate the church.


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  • Opponents of animal testing are quick to point out that it's not a humane way to learn scientific facts.


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  • Rosenberg is giving us an anecdote from the trenches, and yet it slips very quickly into a sense of fable.


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  • So you can see right away the students knew that they will be selected as a very honor to the pool.


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  • So, it's getting more interesting but we'll soon see that things don't always compile as easily as this command suggests.


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  • Soon we'll know. First of all, we'd better say, as is already clear from what we've been quoting, language is not quite Saussurian.


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  • So we've seen one example of this, this idea of walking through all the integers looking for the square root.


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  • Let's take 10 seconds again, this should be pretty quick.


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  • It's not about marriage, and marriage will still seem quite a ways off, I fear, when you read Lycidas, but we will be marking the transition to the poetry of marriage soon enough.


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  • You do it so quickly that the heat flow between the inside of the bicycle pump and the outside is too slow compared to the speed at which you compress.


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  • They die on the operating table, but then they're brought back to life, as we put it.


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  • And so, when he tries to imitate Buddy, she finds him out very quickly.


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  • So, that process happens fast but you also need this neurotransmitter release and activation to happen fast so that you can have rapid activity.

    所以 电传递过程很快,但你仍需要神经递质的,快速释放和快速激活,以便使你快速活跃起来

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  • it's humanistic psychology that has in many ways fathered and mothered, as we'll see, positive psychology.


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  • You can say "this is where I am right now and this is what I'm going to do very, very soon."


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  • So I read the whole book, 650 pages, maybe I kind of read fast because I knew a lot of it.


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  • Notice that these transport costs go up in the distance you have to travel and they go up pretty fast.


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  • And we can do the same thing with, well, we're going to do it with nitrogen in a minute, but this is a case where we have two atoms sharing electrons.


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  • It would be quickly ground into flour and used before it even has time to ferment, to quickly offer something to the deity again, to procure favor for the rest of the crop.


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  • He would see how fifteen-year-old girls worked in the mine--Catherine, who grows up rather quickly in the mines.


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  • Pretty quickly,though,different churches, probably Paul's churches,initially, started sending around copies of Paul's letters.


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  • I quickly learned that no one else there enjoyed podcasting, either.


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  • To conclude, let me look quickly with you at two great late poems.


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  • Let's imagine maybe instead we just immediately dropped the pressure let the system expand against the lower pressure.


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  • this should be a pretty quick thing for you to figure out, so let's just take 10 seconds on this.


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  • Let's look at some other examples, in order to try and see other ways in which we could do it.


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  • clothes off and attacking the lice that are attacking them.] Soon like a demons' pantomime The place was raging.


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  • Milton tells himself to run, and naturally he would have to run fast indeed in order to arrive at a moment in time that had already occurred before he even set out!


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  • You can do other things too, and I know I'm flying through these oh, actually, this guy is kinda funny. Let's play this.


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  • It means we get ill less often and when we do get sick, we'll recover more promptly.


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