• I first had a list of size 8, then 4, then 2, but then I had another problem of size 2.


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  • we then coached each other in the... to prepare for the actual argument in front of a judge.


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  • So the status of slave was lowest, ; freed persons was next highest in Roman Law; and free people were next.


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  • The picture of the world that would seem to emerge from this story is That it is a morally neutral place.


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  • Being unimaginative boys, they called themselves "The Eagles" and "The Rattlers" but as--what happened was, being separated they developed distinctive cultures.


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  • Well, let me turn to another aspect of the story of Homer and how the poems play into Greek society.


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  • And then further you put some recording device, which in those days was a photographic plate, far across a room. So you take a tiny, tiny angle and you go far enough across the room.


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  • At the moment, I have to go through some of the more standard material before we go to the more non-standard material.


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  • That's the melody and we're going to sing beneath-- we're going to sing Beethoven's bass beneath Beethoven's melody.


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  • We actually threw half of the list away and we kept dividing it down, until ultimately we got something of size one to search.


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  • Then she proceeds to explain that there's lacing over, on the one hand, bowling shoes laced under and lacing under, on the other hand.


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  • Her temper overwrought me, ] And I edged to shun her view For I felt assured she thought me One who should drown him too.


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  • You have this standardized form and you've got carbon paper between them and you typed it-- all these really created much more accurate techniques.


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  • And she reflects, just above that, on the mattress that he must sleep in, and this is one of those great Pynchon sentences.


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  • That's Socrates, that's the great message of Socrates He then said the trouble with human being is they have language and therefore they get confused.


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  • You breathe it in, it infects the cells of your respiratory tract, and the virus begins to reproduce, and then it spreads throughout your body.


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  • Today we're going to take up the discussion where we left it last time.


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  • The question of providential justice is of course of primary significance to Milton's poem, but Hartman goes on to say that the moon, which reminds us of a calm and perfect sense of Providence, also works to guarantee the principal of free will.


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  • But then you come to the third part of this sort of triangular absurdity, and what you get to is big financial institutions with extremely well-paid individuals, in the presumably pure free market.


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  • - So again, if you're unwinding what's going on here, this-- we sorted the left half which meant sort the left half, then the right half then the merge.


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  • And then, I had all these dots moving around this beautiful picture of this map, which represented downtown St. Louis and then later represented New York City, which I was amazed by.


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  • He was being interviewed by Carl Reiner, and he would ask him questions, and in his comic German accent he would give silly answers.


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  • And then it goes into this wild videogame, MTV-style narrative of a heavenly journey of this guy John.


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  • And it's come to this, A man can't speak of his own child that's dead."


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  • But I'll continue with language on Wednesday and then we'll also talk about vision, attention, and memory.


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  • Once again, there is that moment of suspense that the reader is able to get through with a kind of pleasurable excitement and then overcome as the moral is actually revealed.


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  • It mentions a tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; then goes on to just focus on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


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  • And I apologize for taking you over, we'll come back to this next time, please go to the website to sign up for recitation for tomorrow.


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  • And then he goes back to hell and then back up to heaven -goes back and forth between these two rhythmically very different concepts.


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  • And then you would recover for a while, that initial phase of the illness would disappear, your fever might go down, you might appear to be normal.


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