I leave aside here the question of divine inspiration, which is an article of faith in many biblical religions.
So our skeleton tells us that carbon is in the middle, so we'll put the h on one side, and the n on the other side there.
So let's leave these off for a moment, and now let's try that.
So leaving aside the specific example of beer, you think about some product that has some dimension on which it varies, and we can use this model to see how competition is going to work in that market.
Well,at first glance,you might think the answer is, look,you exist,you're alive,whatever it is--; as I said,I'm just going to be loose now, I'm going to put aside all the careful distinctions I just drew-- I'm still around as long as my body is P-functioning.
And let's just suppose the correct theory of personal identity is Van Inwagen such as to put aside any worries we might have along with van Inwagen, that we discussed previously, as to whether or not on resurrection day that would really be you or not. Suppose it would be you.