For some reason, at the top of this file, I've also included what I've called a function prototype.
printf I have my includes, standard IO's; so I can use print F, but then I had this thing called a prototype.
Well, I include what's called a header file as we'll call it.
So that's why I've included that header file.
So I could -- and the hint here is that looks like you probably do want to use CS50's library because I've included the so-called header file for it.
include stdio h The next line of code says include standard io.h which just as a little sanity check contains among other things, printf.
stdio c So somewhere there's standard IO dot C, stdio h somewhere they're standard IO dot H, but, for me, right now, the only file I need to know about is the dot H, -- because what Sharp include really does -- it's what's called a preprocessor directive.