If the sanctuary is not purged of impurity, it can become polluted to the point when God is driven out entirely.
that your form of transportation is causing each day on your way to school or work.
The thousand liveried angels - begin to cast their special beam on the virgin's outward shape -- that's her body, the unpolluted temple that houses her virginal mind.
It is a bleeding or spilling into successive signs in such a way that it perpetually leaves what Derrida calls "traces." That is to say, as we examine the unfolding of a speech act, we see the way in which successive signs are contaminated.
It's a bit more ethical because you don't have to worry about all the pollution
The Israelites have to eradicate that, they're polluting the land.
But again, the more people cycle, the less pollution we have.
That creates all sorts of social consequences that we'll talk about sustainability, with shipping water long distances, all the plastic involved, people's distrust of public water systems that's unfounded, and things like that are very interesting and have big public health consequences.
But we need to become more concerned about global warming, pollution,
The Elder Brother is explaining that these angels will: Begin to cast a beam on the outward shape, The unpolluted temple of the mind, And turns it by degrees to the soul's essence, Till all be made immortal.
Plus, it removes unnecessary cars from the road, which of course will reduce pollution.
And of course, there are still pollution problems with motorists.