And as you can see, the children were really encouraged, and they were also enthusiastic to read all of these books.
It's also known for students who are very passionate and active in a lot of different activities.
They always find a new angle, a different part to keen on especially this class. I think they are really keen on.
So, Franny when she sees Lane, affects great enthusiasm, and so on, but this is what we hear about Lane from the narrator.
This is where Milton describes the outpouring of enthusiasm that he received for his poetry from a number of learned Italians during his recent travels to Italy.
When you buy high and sell low it's really hard to generate returns, even if you do it with great enthusiasm and great volume.
He must know how to use religious passions and sentiments but not be used by them.
I'm particularly interested in the excerpt you have - and what he does with his notions-- because this is his way of responding to "enthusiastic" or appreciative criticism.
Why not? Find your passion and pursue it.
I guess this means you ate it with enthusiasm.
Passionate. Idealistic.
I wrote about what I did over the summer, something that I was really passionate about.
It's like you want passion for technology but you need passion for customers, and you got to get kind of the Yin and Yang.
Like what really fired you the way you see students today getting fired up?
he really did slowly develop a passion for studying languages, at least English.
And then you get teachers who aren't so passionate about what they do
and it's just very open and very warming and, you know, inviting.
They are more enthusiastic of that.
The book was written with zest, and if possible it should be read that way.
Milton participated with extraordinary enthusiasm and considerable zeal in the establishment of England's new, non-monarchic government, initially a commonwealth and then what we can think of as a republic.
And at the end of the interview, the interviewer is a very jolly guy.
And decently reclothed, I enter the ancient courts of ancient men, where received by them lovingly, I feed on the food that alone is mine and that I was born for.
It's a little bit like Aristotle's idea of catharsis, which can be understood in a variety of ways, but Milton at the end of Samson Agonistes understands it in one way when he says, Now we have as a result of this tragedy "calm of mind, all passion spent."
Passion for technology and customer you always dealing with even from the time you're a tiny startup.
Let's help them identify something meaningful in their life, their passion.
Maybe that's miniscule, but maybe it's going to be fun for you, especially if you have a sort of theatrical bent, or if you like getting up in front of people, or if you're just really, really passionate about a novel that you want everyone to read.
These political clubs or parties use their influence to incense the populous using their power to whip up dangerous passions that tend to make American politicians closer to demagogues than to statesmen.
These passionate attachments are not merely something that take place you might say between different regimes but even within them as different parties and groups with loyalties and attachments contend for power for honor and for interest.
You get teachers that are really good and very passionate.
I was only myself, Sal Paradise, sad, strolling in this violet dark, this unbearably sweet night wishing I could exchange worlds with the happy, true-hearted, ecstatic Negroes of America.