• She represents a power that might enable Milton perhaps someday actually to fulfill, to consummate his much-anticipated poetic promise.


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  • This is very simple but it's a great way to ask about a specific category among many different categories.


    What kind of 课堂 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • OK, this is only true for an ideal gas, and we went through that mathematically where the, with a chain rule.


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  • Actually, I suppose to get ideally married under the open sky, under a Chuppah, gather people under the open sky.


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  • He adopts this ideal of nakedness precisely as a repudiation of a popular audience.


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  • Milton claims that epic poetry is the highest ambition for a poet and then he goes on to explain how it is that the epic poet should comport himself.


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  • Let me talk for a while about some of the formal features of Hobbes' sovereign power, of the Hobbesian state.


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  • The ideal thing would be that the mutual fund does these calculations and it puts it all together for you.


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  • Premise 2: To be a practical idealist, the foundation of it has to be the belief that change is possible.


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  • So, this is not yet that idealized speech that Kerouac is dreaming of when he writes the list of Essentials for Spontaneous Prose.


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  • So if you're going to use it for this purpose, it's not going to be good by itself.


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  • It's...I don't think the economic integrations are so tight so far... that you can claim that it's that...you know... raising all the boats.


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  • Let's try it with a different equation of state, that isn't quite as simple as the ideal gas case.


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  • Absolutely, what you were describing is this western romantic ideal of nature of wilderness as being the beautiful sunset, the gorgeous view, the beautiful day.


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  • And typically, we'll be treating at least some cases where we're dealing with ideal gases in which case we can easily get delta u.


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  • That for an ideal gas it has to be the case that there's no volume dependence of the energy.


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  • Your plant is going to blow up, because the ideal gas law works only in very small range of pressures and temperatures for most gases.


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  • B=0 There's going to be some temperature where B is equal to zero. In that case, your gas is going to look awfully like an ideal gas.


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  • Up until this period, the early 1650s, Milton was a devoted contributor to the ideal Puritan notion of this government, and it was really the height of his political idealism.


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  • And again there, too, you saw an experimental result you were presented with that says, well at least to the extent that it could be measured, it was obviously getting very small.


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  • PROFESSOR BAWENDI: So, for an ideal gas, the isothermal is the easy one because the energy doesn't change.


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  • Great. So now we have this ideal gas thermometer, and out of this ideal gas thermometer, also comes out the ideal gas law.


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  • Because they represent dimensions of experience formerly excluded from the elevated, idealized discourse that is poetry, dimensions of experience excluded as prosaic.


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  • We have to assume that the Lady is resisting Comus' advances because she has before her the higher ideal of married chastity.


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  • All right, next time we're going to talk about a much better scale, which is the ideal gas thermometer and how we get to the Kelvin scale.


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  • It's true for any gas, and if I remove this limit here, r t is equal to p v bar, I'm going to call that an ideal gas.


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  • It would seem that far from utopia, the Republic represents a radical dystopia, a satire, in some sense, of the best polity.


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  • In an ideal world, where you can borrow and lend freely, an individual could choose consumption along any point on this line.


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  • nRT So, dp/dT, for our ideal gas, at constant volume, remember pV is nRT.


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  • I am at the point of believing," he says, "that my labor will be as useless as the commonwealth of Plato," he says in a moment of sort of uncharacteristic despair, "will be as useless as the commonwealth of Plato."


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