This of course brings us to the issue of "gaps" and the role that they play in the act of reading as Iser understands it.
I think that they're really privileged and probably take their life for granted a little bit. I mean,
And I found there were very few philosophers to even touch that topic, it was just something that they just assumed that somehow, yes, of course all humans have dignity and moral status and rights.
I think it stands to reason to assume that this figure of Galileo is of some importance to Milton and the workings of the poem.
The possibilities of freedom must always, in their view, be balanced with the world as it as--not as it ought to be.
Please don't go away thinking that what I just said is, here's a new argument for the soul.
Well you know what a point is, it's got an x- and a y- coordinate, it's natural to think about those two things as belonging as a single entity.
It's very interesting that they all just sort of take meaning for granted.
With, thus far, we've taken that for granted.
but right now you're going to have to take it for granted. So, if the Joule-Thomson coefficient is equal to zero, just like we wrote, du = Cv dT du = Cv dT for an ideal gas, we're going to dH = Cp dT have dH = Cp dT for an ideal gas as well.
Those are, that's what they are famous for and there's a reason for that.
One of the advantages of an evolutionary perspective on the mind is that it forces us to look scientifically at what we would otherwise take for granted.
I believe it's fundamental and very important.
For the most part, the existence of the soul is just taken for granted in the dialogue.
It's often put in terms of the relationship between the part and the whole. I approach a text and of course the first thing I read is a phrase or a sentence.
A pastoral, of course, features shepherds and shepherdesses as its most distinguishing characteristic.
And Milton's defense of controversy seems in a lot of ways continually to be slipping in to something like a defense of poetry, or certainly a defense of his own poetic practice.
Literary theory loses something that literary criticism just takes for granted.
You can kill him. You can certainly kill someone who comes after you, who tries to murder you.
In the first passage, the statement about language by criticism, that sign and meaning can never coincide, is what is precisely taken for granted in the kind of language we call "literary."
This is going to be probably a homework at some point to do this. For now, let's take it for granted. Let's take it for granted that we know how to calculate this derivative from an equation of state like this.
Right now, you're taking it for granted.