It is not exactly the same thing, but there is something real that it grows, that I'm not responsible for it that allows us simplicity.
My home country is Croatia. I was born in and raised in what used to be the former Yugoslavia,
If you could introduce that gene you'd make the chemical, in this case it's a protein called vascular endothelial growth factor.
If there are droughts, pests, other things that interfere with the growing of the food you've got problems.
What happens in development isn't for the most part the growth of new neurons.
They watered, they shed a light to it and the seed germinated and grew.
Nobody sought or planned for freedom, but in the spaces that were left by the endless conflicts among secular rulers and between them and the Church, there was room for freedom to grow.
He grew up under the rule of the Medici.
Sea Island cotton, the kind of cotton grown down there in the Georgia where it was first grown in North America in the Georgia, South Carolina islands, was a kind of long and silky kind of cotton.
you're going to release hormones like testosterone and GH, which oxidizes fat for energy.
And actually the community that I grew up in Southern California is 90% Asian
Portnoy's Complaint", it's about a young Jewish guy growing up from the 70s.
One way is to allow these bacteria to grow on a plate that is loaded with antibiotics like Ampicillin.
That's shown in this diagram as little colonies of bacteria that are growing on a plate.
So, reproduction, proliferation, cell growth happens and then those cells become more differentiated.
所以 繁殖 扩增 细胞开始生长,然后这些细胞开始分化
and if you design a drug that blocks estrogen interaction you stop growth.
Remember when I showed you that picture of cells attached to plastic a few minutes ago; I said those were fibroblasts that were growing on a culture dish.
Stopping growth in tumors can be a very beneficial thing.
At the same time though, connections between neurons grow like crazy and they-- and this process of synaptic growth where there are the connections across different synapses peaks at about two years.
It's a natural signal for cells to grow.
If you think about what ancient food gathering habits used to be like, you see things like this where people are out gathering food that is growing naturally, and you can think about what would-- what sort of conditions this would create and what kind of hardships it would create.
Here is a thin membrane, it's a polymer scaffold, and on that polymer scaffold scientists have placed some skin cells and they've allowed it to grow.
This is by the famous biologist, D'Arcy Thompson, who wrote the book On Growth and Form, and it's sort of the model of many developmental psychologists and many evolutionary psychologists so I'll end with this: "Everything is the way it is because it got that way."
This property of cells in culture is called anchorage dependence - that the cell needs to be anchored to a surface in order to function properly.
They're fully functional organisms that can reproduce on their own, and they can start growing outside of any cell and that's what they do, they live extracellularly.
Some will be growing very rapidly, some will be growing less rapidly, and what this equation shows you here or that rate of growth the to the doubling time of cells.
Estrogen is a natural signal for cells to grow.
Even if that beaker had all the nutrients that skin cells needed they wouldn't survive very well in solution, they tend to need to be stuck to a surface in order to survive.
Example, protein hormones are insulin which we've talked about before and glucagon, and growth hormone which we haven't talked about but that's very important during periods of life like adolescence, when rapid growth of your bones is occurring.