In week zero, when we tore the phonebook in half and half and half we were recursing through that problem.
And there was an idea that we exercised with the phonebook which was this notion of dividing and conquering.
So binary search, the phonebook example, binary search on the pieces of paper on the white board, why is that?
That the phonebook was sorted alphabetically and that the array of numbers on the board behind the second row of paper itself was sorted alphabetically.
In the phonebook, I just kept dividing and dividing Mike Smith and dividing into half and in the end I found Mike Smith 50 or I found the number 50.
So let's not put him only on the spot; there's a whole bunch of us in this room and we can actually apply this same idea not to these phone books but actually to other real world problems, there's a whole bunch of people in this room.
Taking the problem, recognizing that you know what, 8 even though this is a pretty big problem size 8 in this case and last time it was size 8 or in the case of the papers in size of a thousand roughly with the phonebook, I assume these are in a perfectly straight line they won't quite fit.
Well recall from week zero when we took a very real world phonebook and then just last week we had our volunteer come up with the array of pieces of paper on the board and when I challenged myself and when I challenged our volunteer to find me the number 50 both he and I were able 50 to leverage one assumption.
> So now that might not have felt like the fastest algorithm but think about what you could have done with that algorithm in each iteration, much like the phonebook up front here, you literally split that problem in two because on each iteration roughly half of you were sitting down and then another half and then another half.
So I propose this as a new algorithm for sorting N elements and being 8 in this case or really a thousand in the case of the phonebook, or anything of larger size.
And you'll find in the end that recursion is a feature of a language, it allows you to map some very obvious concepts like the phonebook tearing in half and half and half and half to actual code without it using some arbitrary human contrived framework like a for loop or a while loop which are much more stilted mechanisms.