You got cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrate here, broken down as fiber and sugars, and that's very helpful information to know.
and she needs a lot of carbohydrates.
I'll talk today about protein and then next week, or next class, we'll talk in more detail about carbohydrate and fat.
But you do, in fact, have to worry about long-term exposure, cyanide poisoning in terms of long-term effects in certain populations that do get the bulk of their carbohydrates from this root, from the root of the Cassava plant.
We talked last time about extracellular matrix and this complex protein-carbohydrate gel that surrounds all cells.
Today we're going to talk about the two big ones that people are usually concerned with: carbohydrates and fat.
So as I said, we'll talk about protein this week a little bit, and then fats and carbs next week.
Fat has twice the calories per unit weight that protein or carbohydrate sugar has, as a consequence, has the greatest survival value.
They're the magic nutrient books: carbohydrates, fat, whatever it happens to be, that's one theme you could follow.
What about sources of protein, that and carbohydrate for you, and how do those look and where are you getting those from?
The word "carbohydrate," as you might imagine, if you ever thought to break it down means the combination of carbon and water.
As I mentioned before, fat has twice the calories per unit weight as protein and carbohydrate.
Do they eat a lot of carbs, a lot of fat, whatever they happen to eat.
The macro nutrients are the big constituents of food, that's protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
Then the polysaccharides are the complex carbohydrates, and that's starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
The macronutrients, protein, carbohydrate and fat; the micronutrients vitamins, minerals and water.
And so the amount of protein in a diet, from diet plan to diet plan, doesn't vary as much as the recommendations that these popular diets give you for fat and carbohydrate.
Carbohydrate has really shifted, and so people are eating more calories from carbohydrate before, sugars primarily, and that is coming primarily from added sugar, or that's at least one of the primary contributors.
Let's start with carbohydrates. Sugars, in other words.
How many a low carb diet?
Gram for gram it provides a lot more punch in terms of calories than protein or carbohydrate, and that could be why fat has such an appeal to human physiology and why people like high fat foods.
They're used by the body for pretty immediate energy where fat is a little bit more long-term energy, and there are many types of sugars-- and these are things that you've heard-- glucose and sucrose being the most common things that you can consume in ordinary foods, and then lactose of course, from milk.
If you look at sources of these different carbohydrates, the glucose comes from fruit.
Protein and carbohydrate have 4 calories per gram, per unit weight.
So something about fat is driving people and as I'll explain in a subsequent lecture, What would it be about fat that makes it more reinforcing then protein or carbohydrate?
Then you can look at how this stacks up for a person that has a 200 calorie diet or a 2500 calorie diet, and it'll show things like total fat, cholesterol, sodium, and total carbohydrate.
One would be a low fat diet; one would be a low carb diet like Atkins; another would be just a low calorie diet; and then choice D is they all stink.