So displacement is a kind of delay or detour of understanding, and condensation, on the other hand, is a kind of distillation of understanding.
It emerges, on the other hand, as difference within a field.
It is fair to argue that non-titled people in England were at the forefront of the victorious role in the civil war that parliament played.
I pride myself on the fact that people who have taken this course find it useful in their subsequent lives, but on the other hand, I think that it's really interesting.
So Klawans notes in the article you read that the physical substances and states that are labeled impure and are therefore designated as antithetical to the realm of holiness are states that are associated with death on the one hand, and procreation on the other. Why should this be?
On the other hand--and this is something that I want to emphasize-- you don't want to carry that too far and one of the lessons of behavioral finance is that markets are not really efficient in a global sense.